Moving Through Grief and Loss

Losing someone or something you care about is painful. And grief is the normal , natural and necessary response to loss. Everyone feels a major loss at some point in life. They may include:

  • The death of a family member or friend
  • Health issues such as a permanent injury, chronic illness or aging
  • A breakup, separation or divorce
  • The loss of a job, a change in income or other life changes such as a move

After a loss, you may feel isolated, depressed or alone. You may cry a lot of you may feel a deep numbness or shock. Everyone grieves in his or her own way.

If you've been carrying your grief to work each day or if you're returned to the job after a loss, you may be wondering how you're going to get through this time. Grief is hard work and often lonely work, but you can find comfort and guidance along the way.

Consider contacting your Employee Assistance Program by calling 408/241-7772 to schedule a counseling appointment. Accepting help in your time of grief is an important part of the healing process. Here are some other helpful tips in taking care of yourself:

  • Don't expect too much of yourself. Do things because you can, not because you should.
  • Avoid using alcohol, drugs or food to numb your feelings.
  • Important items can wait. The grieving period is no time to make big decisions like selling a home of switching jobs. Give yourself time before you make any changes that will alter the rest of your life.
  • Time is your friend. Make sure you take time to rest, to be with people who support you and to be alone with your thoughts.
  • Pay special attention to your needs during holiday seasons or important anniversaries. Just when you're beginning to feel better, your grief may come flooding back. Honor your memories with traditions that recall happy moments.

Because of a loss, your life may have changed in major ways. Loss brings a time for grief. With acceptance and the support of a few good listeners, healing can occur. Remember EAP is available to help.

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