November 2020 - Frontline Supervisor

This year has been difficult for many employees. No one has gotten sick with COVID19, but I have noticed lower levels of excitement among workers about their jobs and less engagement, meaning they aren’t as passionate, innovative, and initiating as they used to be. Is the pandemic to blame? 

Research recently shared by the American Psychological Association shows that the coronavirus pandemic has played a significant role in reducing employee engagement as you describe it. This is particularly true as it pertains to fear of dying from the disease. Most employees may not voice this fear. Not all employees respond equally or manage this stress in the same way. With regard to your role, research shows that supervisors can play a pivotal role in helping employees cope and stay engaged when they perform as “servant leaders.” When you behave as a servant leader, you will be perceived by your employees as a good listener, a supervisor who shows empathy and awareness, and is persuasive and committed to everyone’s growth, while placing a priority on “everyone coming together,” and pulling through this together as a family or community. Employees who said they had supervisors matching these traits remained more engaged.


Frontline Supervisor


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