May 2021 - Frontline Supervisor

During supervisor training for drug and alcohol awareness, I discovered that I am probably an alcoholic. (Actually, I have suspected it for years.) I have referred many employees to the EAP, so I feel too embarrassed to bring my own problem to them. Should I seek help elsewhere?

You should seek help from a credible resource that can provide you with a proper assessment and recommendation for appropriate treatment. Feeling embarrassed is associated with shame, which is driven by stigma for the disease of alcoholism. This is not uncommon for those who seek treatment. You have likely spent many years in denial while also seeking to prevent others from noticing your excessive drinking. The motivation you feel now to make a move toward treatment is positive, but not likely to last very long, so don’t delay. The EAP is confidential, but you should be aware that you are not the only one at a supervisory or management level who has sought help. It takes a lot of courage to admit that you are an alcoholic. The second hurdle is feeling embarrassed. You are halfway to your goal of a healthier and longer life. You will discover surprising relief and acceptance if you contact the EAP to seek help.


Frontline Supervisor


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